Yello!!! I think there has been 11 babies on Ertyuiop Island (Tomodachi Life) and a 12th on the way!
Also, Stocking, Matt, Mayor Natalie, and Hatsune Miku live in the forest of Ashwood in ACNL (Animal Crossing New Leaf)
And Wiggler from MarioKart 7 is a GIRL.
Anyways, I have 4 games to give to GameStop, and I'll probably have over $100 because my Pokemon: Gates to Infinity and Smurf Dance Party are probably in Mint Condition.
Also, every EBF story by Mikan aka Mana either is hillarious or hillarious for no reason.
You must be an addict at Tomodachi Life.
Stories I write that you think are hilarious? Why thank you.
Ur welcome!