Hilarious, but...Why? xD
I am an aspiring animator and song writer, Phyrrna, Pinocchio-P, and GHOST being my main inspirations for song. Matt Roszak, Edd Gould, Tomska, and Pixar are my animation inspirations.
Age 21
Joined on 6/2/14
Silly me,I thought that was a comment!So you're a fan now?
Fan? I've been an 8BT fan for over a year! X3
Eight years,wow.I mean,a fan of that 8-bit show.
I've been a fan for over 1 year. Not 8.
Sorry,sorry.(dang it,I really need my reading glasses..)
That's ok. Who's your favorite?
You mean,favourite 8-bit?Well,I don't have any because I only heard about it last month.
Durr. Sorry! xD
I am an 'old' person,remember?
Yeah. I'm younger than everyone else that knows about it. About 10 years younger.
I tried to look for it on the Internet and it brought me back here:http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/214733
that's it
Oh,I thought when you said 'actors',you meant REAL actors and that it was one of those Youtube videos.
nope. xD
Yeah,that would be just strange.
Yep, especially in 2005.
I'm not so sure,I'd think it would have been a hit back then as a parody.
It was~!
Really?!A real life parody?
Rats,I think people acting as pixels sounds fun!
Yeah! XD
Technically, there were plays at places such as SakuraCon
Well,they did make a film out it...
they did?!
Remember PIXELS?It's not 8-bit but it has pixels and people.
Nope. Not mentioned in it, but I haven't seen it...
Here's the trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diqZBS-RTAw
I already saw that.
What do you think?
Pretty interesting
The critics didn't seem to like it though.
i kno
But who knows,they could be fans of 8-bit.
Watched anything else?
Quite a few things, like Rage Guy.
Star Wars?
i don't really like it...
So what DID you watch?
Something that scarred me for life, but made me laugh my ass off. It is called 8Bitch5. It makes SO much more sense if you've read 8-Bit Theater. Basically bad actors trying to re-do what the LW were like.